Agathe already had her things on the porch by ten in the morning.
Groggy and sleepy-eyed, Gwen helped her friend move her boxes to the empty bedroom.
"How in the world did... Nevermind, I really don't want to hear about it." Gwen said. "Must've excited your parents."
"They cried... and then they were excited... and that's about it. They are proud of me for finally moving out. And yes, Gwennie-poo, I'll be paying rent."
"Wasn't going to ask, Aggie."
"Well, you have to have more income for that baby than just what you were making from your music."
"Which wasn't much. I appreciate it, and thank you. Let's get this bed set up."
Gwen went to move the box that contained Agathe's bed, but was overcome by nausea and had to sit down instead. Agathe looked at her with pity and took the box out herself.
"It's okay, Gwen. I brought the small one. I can set it up, you just go take care of yourself."
"I don't want to be alone," Gwen told her, her eyes welling. She looked away so Agathe wouldn't see her tears, but it was too late.
"Gwen? ...Gwen, look at me. Are you okay? Come here," Agathe pulled Gwen up into an embrace. "What's wrong? Why the sudden tears?"
The only word Gwen could force out was "Why?"
"Why what?"

"You don't have to be alone, Gwennie-poo. Just sit here, I'll put my bed together."
Agathe worked long into the night putting her bed together, and decorating the walls how she wanted. Gwen eventually dozed off, in a rather uncomfortable position.
"Gwen... Gwe-en... Pssst." Agathe was trying to gently wake Gwen up in the morning.
"Huh?" Gwen noticed she had moved to the couch. She blinked hard and tried to clear her head.
"Sorry if you're kinda stiff. I moved you to the couch, it just seemed more comfortable. I wasn't going to try and carry you upstairs though. You've put on alot of weight, and baby-face I mean that in the nicest way possible."
Gwen looked down at her belly. Had she started to show? She hadn't noticed any growth, but she supposed her weight would be higher than normal anyway.
"You got a call from Aiden, at like three. Yes, in the morning."
Gwen grunted.
"I told him you were sleeping, like pregnant ladies should. He asked if you could call later tonight."
Gwen shook her head.
"That's what I thought, baby-face. I told him I'd tell you, but it probably wouldn't happen."
Gwen smiled, and attempted to get up. Agathe made a mother-like "ah-ah-ah" noise, which Gwen could only cock her head to.
"I made you breakfast. Pancakes with strawberries, whipped cream, butter, and some orange juice and milk. Eat up."
Gwen ate gratefully, making a mental note to go shopping later. About halfway through the first pancake Gwen looked up. "Aggie, what time is it?"
"Nine thirty."
"Argh... Why so early?"
"Because you're going to need a different sleeping schedule with that baby around."
"Can we at least start later on? It doesn't pop out for awhile."
Gwen rolled her eyes and continued eating.
By afternoon, Agathe had her room finished. Gwen decided to take her grocery shopping trip, completely unaware that who she'd find there would change her future.
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